welcome to aleta interiors

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I have led a very industrious life and have had many careers that led me to becoming an interior designer. I grew up in Chicago with my architect father, who instilled in me a love for the foundation of good design. He began teaching me the fundamentals of design at a very young age, and my passion was instantly sparked. I spent the majority of the 90’s as an area merchandiser and builder for Urban Outfitters, and later became a spa owner and an aesthetician. Always eager to expand my skills, I went on to complete my Apparel design degree; learning in depth about color and textiles and how they complement one another.

Having spent 20 years in the aesthetic service industry and being the sole proprietor of my own spa gives me an edge when it comes to designing with integrity and thoughtfulness. I am able to connect each of my clients to the design I come up with specifically for them and their needs. I have fun in everything I design and always aim to create something unique from my client’s own vision and their collaboration. Not enough design in the world has soul and I strive to instill soul in each and every project I’m a part of. My goal is simple; design from the intention with which it is created and the attention with which it is designed.

I take great pride in personally designing all four of my spa locations and I have project managed many home remodels. After discovering my passion and the thread of design that has been the constant throughout my life and career, I pursued interior design and am a graduate of Heritage School of Interior Design. 

My designs have impacted personal lives and the lives of the community, giving people a more harmonious, peaceful way of living by providing beautiful, yet practical spaces that feed the soul.